Tuesday, December 24, 2019

America Censored A Battle of Rights Essay - 2186 Words

America Censored: A Battle of Rights Welcome to the United States of America. This is the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. A place where our forefathers once gathered and drew up the foundation for which we live our lives. The Constitution of the United States grants us a certain amount of freedoms for which we cannot be punished for. The first amendment to this constitution of the Constitution allows us the freedom of speech, religion, the right to assemble, and to express ourselves in a way in which we feel fit. Under this amendment, people such as musicians and newsmen and able to write and speak what they feel without being told that it is wrong. They cannot be manipulated to change their thoughts or views on a topic, or†¦show more content†¦Not one thing in this world is so perfect to the point in which someone would not find something offensive about it. I mean ità ­s really bad when Wal-mart decides that Eminemà ­s cds are so controversial and vulgar that even the censored versions canà ­t be sold there. What people like Tipper Gore donà ­t seem to realize is that by banning the sale of his cds all they are doing is giving him more media attention and helping him sell more records. Ità ­s a proven fact that a personà ­s cd could be at the bottom of the charts but as soon as something is said about the content of the lyrics that the sales of the cd will automatically start to increase. Before Eminemà ­s The Marshall Mathers EP was even released it had gotten so much publicity that it went on to sell over 1.2 million copies in ità ­s first week of sale. Some people would ask, Why is that? Well ità ­s quite simple. Being the society that we are when we hear that something is horrible and shouldnà ­t be published for anyone to see or hear, we go out and buy it to see what all the fuss is about. Do these people not realize that by buying the product, even if ità ­s to protest it, they just put money in that personà ­s pocket? Now come on people. If a cd or a book sells 5 million copies, 2 million are from people who really want it and 3 million people want to protest or burn it, does that really matter? No matter how you look at it they still sold 5 million copies and is on theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Censorship of Music1406 Words   |  6 Pagesabout what they see and what they know. This is on of the great things about this country, the freedom to express yourself. It is not fair, nor is it constitutional that music should be censored in anyway. It is not only rap music trying to be censored it is in all types of music. They are taking away their rights and it isnt fair. As reported in the New York Times. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

A Day That I Can Never Forget Free Essays

Saturday, April 3, 1990, became a day that I could never forget. After a long night’s sleep, I started the day with a smile on my face. On that day, I planned to be going on a simple bike ride with a friend. We will write a custom essay sample on A Day That I Can Never Forget or any similar topic only for you Order Now First, after I awoke, I was to call my friend and plan the ride. My friend and I had planned the bike ride to a place in town that we had never seen. Quicker than ever he arrived at my house. Upon arrival, we took two Gatorades and headed off on our way. While riding we saw a bike ramp that we had never before seen. The ramp screamed out with color, and that feature made it unusual. The ramp had pictures of animals drawn on it. We then both challenged eachother to go off the ramp. Agreeing to go off the ramp at the same time, we headed for the ramp at full speed. As we gained speed, we noticed a large swirling mass of light on the ramp. Trying to stop, we were thrown from our bikes into the mass of light. Next, we awoke from our fall to notice that we warped into a weird dimension that was dominated by animals and humans were the animals’ slaves and pets. We realized that if we did not turn around and leave, we would be trapped. As we turned my friend noticed the porthole of light closing. Finally, we returned through the porthole just in time before it had closed. Just as we entered the real world I heard a loud buzzing sound. Lastly, I realized it was all just a dream, but it all felt too real to forget. How to cite A Day That I Can Never Forget, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Management and Organisation in Global Environment Free Samples

Question: Discuss About The Management And Organisation In Global Environment? Answer: Introducation: It was developed by Taylor and used by Ford Company to increase production of cars on daily basis (Janoski and Lepadatu 2014). Previously a car uses to take several weeks to manufacture and was only for rich people. Ford decided to make cheap cars at a fast pace and used the idea of Taylor. Previously workers use to move around to assemble a product but Taylor asked to make the products to move toward the workers (Witzel and Warner 2015). Thus assembly line was created which reduced the time of manufacture and cars were manufactured at fast pace. Working in timeframe:- If workers are not given time they will continue to do work at very slow pace. But Taylor came out of an idea of monitoring each worker in a time frame. This increased the efficiency of worker (Von Rosing et al. 2015). High pay for hard work:- As the work pressure was increasing for the workers they were in a mood to quit job. As ford was on a profit run so he increased the wages scheme of workers and announced that who all will work hard will get good pay. Workers in Australia America or Europe will not follow Taylorism in the form today because it has many disadvantages such as the worker looses creativity, teamwork is not there, boredom comes among workers, the workers are treated as money making units and Workforce flexibility is reduced. The design of scripts for use in call centre uses taylorism because the scripts are written in time frame, and it is required to change to get better each time (Sinha and Gabriel 2016). As it is made in time frame so the efficiency of workers is increased and they are able to create it in short span of time. The scientific management may be 100 year old but still it is followed today in the car making company and some of the restaurants today in the modern generation still follow them. The car making company like Maruti Suzuki and Tata motors follows the process of Taylor. I am working in a company which works in handling of script making. Here we follow some of the scientific management like we follow the time frame. We are given fixed time to prepare the script. We are fixed to a single discipline and we are needed to submit the script in time. This increases our efficiency and the also we follow high pay as per hard work also. We are paid on the amount of words we write and under a given time. So payment on hard work is also followed in our organization. Activity 1 Structure and Strategy The video for activity 1 highlights the idea that the strategy of an organisation is the behaviour of the people. This provides an opportunity for the organisation to translate their strategies into structures. However, both structure and strategy have simultaneous relationship as the structure of the organisation helps in determining the peoples associated with operation of the organisation. However, if the structure of the organisation has many layers in their operations, it is difficult to perceive the weak signals in terms of market opportunities and threats. Efficiency and equity within the organisation gives rise to bureaucracies. This provides an opportunity for the companies to come up with sound strategies and methods of implementing through the organisational structure (Bock et al. 2012). For example, Coco Cola has the objective of been the leading beverage brand thereby, providing their customers with high quality products. In order to achieve the objective, Coco Cola has specific strategies that will eventually enhance their sales by exploring the market threats and opportunities. In order to deliver the specific strategies, the organisational structure of Coco Cola needs to complement each other. Based on the business type, the structure of Coco Cola needs to emphasise more on the function, distribution, product and process. Moreover, Coco Cola promotes a flexible organisational structure thereby, encouraging teamwork (Businesscasestudies.co.uk, 2017). Activity 2 Holacracy The concept of holocracy highlights the concept of the chief executive officers of the organisations providing authority and permission to the employees in order to experiment their own ideas. Several organisations are aiming towards implementing holocracy within their organisations for making all each employees participate in the decisions of the organisations. Zappos has implemented holocracy that provides an opportunity for a normal call centre employee to have additional rights such as organising social events, planning menu or CSR. The ideas of the employees cannot be nullified until it incurs loss for the company. The structure of the organisation facilitates the coordination of the employees and their ideas in bringing new change. Developments have been rapid thereby, considering the viewpoints and ideas of the employees provides a competitive advantage (Vox, 2017). For example, Paramount Software Solutions is a business organisation using the new management style of holocracy that provides an opportunity for the employees to be a part of their business management. A normal employee can have the authorities and permissions along with additional duties of the organisation. Holocracy also enables the employees to define their roles and the work they are responsible for. Due to rapid change in the past years, taking into account the ideas and innovations of their employees provides a competitive advantage for the software solution (Paramountsoft.net, 2017). Conclusion The two activities in Week 4 suggests that the organisational structure and strategy are inter related and that both are significantly required for evaluating the market opportunities and threats. The structure of the organisation helps in delivering the strategies of the organisations to achieve the objectives. In activity two, the new management style holocracy is facilitated and promoted by the organisation Zappos. Zappos has fired their chief executive officer and and provided authorities and permissions to the employees. In this way, the organisation has been able to imbibe innovation in their strategy and structure. The ideas given by the employees are implemented by the organisation until they impose any harm on the organisation. The scientific management helped ford to increase production from on car in several weeks to hundreds of car production in a day in the year of 1913. The process of taylorism was found useful that time as in that time time frame work and non skilled l abors were main required for this. But in this modern words this concept is falling out and more modern version of this scientific management has been evolved and followed. References Bock, A.J., Opsahl, T., George, G. and Gann, D.M., 2012. The effects of culture and structure on strategic flexibility during business model innovation. Journal of Management Studies, 49(2), pp.279-305. Businesscasestudies.co.uk. (2017). Introduction - Creating an effective organisational structure - Coca-Cola Great Britain | Coca-Cola Great Britain case studies and information | Business Case Studies. [online] Available at: https://businesscasestudies.co.uk/coca-cola-great-britain/creating-an-effective-organisational-structure/introduction.html [Accessed 5 May 2017]. Janoski, T. and Lepadatu, D., 2014. What Was the Old Division of Labor?. InDominant Divisions of Labor: Models of Production That Have Transformed the World of Work(pp. 5-14). Palgrave Macmillan US. Paramountsoft.net. (2017). New Test home page | Paramount Software Solutions. [online] Available at: https://www.paramountsoft.net/ [Accessed 5 May 2017]. Sinha, S. and Gabriel, Y., 2016. 5 Call Centre Work: Taylorism with a Facelift.Re-Tayloring Management: Scientific Management a Century On, p.87. von Rosing, M., von Scheel, H., Fonseca, M., Hove, M. and Foldager, U., 2015. Phase 1: Process Concept Evolution. Vox. (2017). Zappos just abolished bosses. Here's why.. [online] Available at: https://www.vox.com/2014/7/11/5876235/silicon-valleys-latest-management-craze-holacracy-explained [Accessed 5 May 2017]. Witzel, M. and Warner, M., 2015. Taylorism revisited: Culture, management theory and paradigm-shift.Journal of General Managemen

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Problems in Executives Pay in the US

Abstract The issue of the executive pay raises heated debate today considering the gap differences in the civil income. For instance, assuming example of the U.S. government, President Obama governance faces public fury over the huge pay packages accorded to the executives. (Andrews and Bajaj, 2009) The issue of prohibiting extra bonuses for the top executives beside their hefty basic pay and other stock dividends is therefore under high consideration beside the rules imposing reductions. If imposed, the rules will be the toughest ever forcing the executives to accept deep reductions.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Problems in Executive’s Pay in the US specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Arguably, considering a $500,000 annual compensation would be draconian considering the lack of bonuses or annual dividends. The recruitment process would be very difficult due to competition especially from the private sector offering over $1 million. The U.S president seem to advocate for the pay regulations considering that this is the time the government is struggling to bail out prominent collapsed financial institutions. According to Andrews and Bajaj of the Times Newspapers (2009), the National Economic Council is considering pay restrictions to all the companies under the Federal help of economic recovery. The executive’s compensation ware not under particular specifications, the rule applied earlier on bailed out banks failed because of the government’s failure to impose a strict follow up mechanism thus living the executives to reward themselves with the heft bonuses without considering the deterioration of the economy. The question many people ask is whether the executives should make the much they do. Introduction The high pay may appear to be very little in comparison to the huge company’s profits the top executives deliver at the end of the financial sess ion. In line with Daft et al, (368) when the company’s profits measure up to the executive’s pays then it seems too low and therefore reasonable. Probably it would make sense to reward the executives who are directly involved with the capital of the company. They are usually under a lot of pressure to deliver and although it may seem ironic, their pay is excessively little, compared to what they deliver. This might be the only logical way of rewarding these employees for their tremendous work. It motivates them to ensure success and future developments. Payment should always reflect performance and this is most certainly the reason why the American government advocates for pay regulation especially among the financially assisted companies. Thesis Statement â€Å"Reasons behind the hefty pays of the Chief Executive Officers†Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Le arn More Problem definition This paper explores the issue of the compensation that the top executives receive the reasons behind the pay and it offers the suggestions for improving the system. Do the top executives deserve their pay? It is evident that top executive receive exorbitant remunerations and most people feel that majority do not deserve the compensation. Some of the executive end up performing a mediocre job and still manage to rip off the taxpayers because of their titles. Common feeling indicates that these individuals should receive their compensation depending on their performances. Literature review While the arguments against the pay are viable to certain levels, the other side of the coin indicate that these executives earn and deserve every penny of their paychecks. (Mackenzie and Traynor, 132) They undergo enormous amount of pressure to ensure companies deliver profits. They have to make tough and important daily decisions, which are the key measures of whether the company prospers or fails. The failure of the company compromises their jobs therefore their careers are at constant risky measures. Most of the CEO did not just become what they are but had to move up the ladder systematically to the top positions. They have total endurance and strong business backgrounds and knowledge to steer the company through maintenance of an effective workforce. (Daft et al, 342) According to Daft et al, (556) there are very few people with enough knowledge and experience to guide or control the performance of big, especially financial companies to their performance value. This aspect makes the executives an important and valuable part of the company hence the reason why they deserve the high pays. The public seem to base their arguments over the executive pays on half the picture. The profits earned by the companies are excessively high in comparison to their remunerations. A good example is the ATT Company chief executive officer who is arguably one o f the top paid officials. (Mathias and Jackson, 137) People’s view over the executive’s move to layoff 40,000 employees and still enjoy his increased pay seems greedy and illogical. At a close range, his laying-off of excessive workers brought great benefit to the company as well as to the customers who benefited from better services at a proficient timeframe and lower cost by smaller but improved workforce. Comparing the executive’s pay of 20 million dollars, which seem too huge to the company’s earning, it would equate approximately to 1/3,450th of the gross thus validating his pay against performance. If split among the workers, the executive’s pay would equate to $500 which is a pay equitable to a just a couple of days pay for a low-level employee.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Problems in Executive’s Pay in the US specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Exec utives need to be very keen in their decisions, less it bring down the whole company crumpling to losses. They ought to ensure transparency over all their moves or decisions since they affect a magnitude and the economy at large. (Daft et al, 557) The superfluous amount of tension and pressure evident today is due to these factors and thus the reason why not every CEO can be able to handle their tasks as per the requirements. What guarantees good performance of the CEO? The huge amount of money involved in compensating the executives is a good indication that there is no good assurance for their performance. The pay acts as a great motivator to performance. Without a good pay, they would probably find better paying jobs or one without much strain but having an equally good pay package. It would be a great risk for a company to engage an executive and pay them poorly because that person would not get involved as required and therefore the probability of a collapse is high. Other than collapse, the company can easily experience weak profit margin compared to other business rivals. (Mackenzie and Traynor, 102) The executive’s thrive to venture deeply into the industry depends on the payment received. Good focus on goals elevates the business into great heights. When a company makes good investments such as the hefty pays for the executives, then the company’s performance elevates to a good performance. The CEO is able to put much emphasis on the firm and tolerate smaller margins for errors thus ensuring great profits. They suffer negative affects or enjoy positive rewards depending on the performance of the business. (Mathis and Jackson, 35) The plausible reason why the American executives receive more money than other countries is that they work out tasks at larger scales compared to others. From this perspective, the companies should therefore not be concern with the payment but focus on the delivery factors. It is easy to find qualified people to work at the same capacity at lower wages but they are not able to cover the same magnitude of the job. This means that there is a need to analyse and reward the executives in relation to their inputs. The businesses ought to acknowledge that the executives deserve pay equivalent to their inputs.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Need for quality workers may make a company to find it reasonable to hire executives from other countries and therefore outsourcing does not mainly mean the company want to find someone for he top job with minimal and more reasonable wage rates as most people may think. The company is responsible for the high wages and not the worker. This negates the reasoning that finding such employees at a reasonable rate is not possible. The company decides on the payment rather than the employee demanding for the same. Pay should reflect performance and for this reason, the company or those in the industry have the right to decide on the amount of remuneration to offer. (Mathis and Jackson, 35) this is an indication that the executives deserve their pays. Problems with systems that support the hefty Executive’s Pay Most of the executive wages are not reflective of the employee’s performance and hence the basis for this debate. The executives receive the same treatment regardless of their poor or very prolific performance. This means that the company may be losing huge amounts through such pays as the persona benefits, especially when their no good procedures for investigating performance and linking the compensation to the firm’s profit margins. When an executive has room for enjoying power and good pay while reciprocating nothing on the other hand, then when taken to consideration, this is abuse of power and they will not attempt to do a good job. There is need to have a correlation between the qualities of the work and the hefty pay that the CEO receives. Most collapsing businesses today lack proper monitoring systems over performance especially the government run firms. The top managers continue delivering bad jobs while they still enjoy good constant pays and probably have power to award themselves bonuses and rises. According to Daft et al, (342) It may cost a lot to get rid of bad employees particularly those at the top levels, but overtime, th e losses incurred as the company hopes for recovery my eventually be the root cause of collapse. Most of the CEO jobs are under contract basis, this means that if the period is cut-short, then the law protects the officials and the company must compensate them for their early removal. This is another reason why many companies fail to terminate the executives. The need to avoid court cases makes the company to hold the unwanted personnel until their terms expire. There is urgent need to incorporate a link between the compensation package and the business performance record and probably include the same in the contract forms as an incentive to produce more. Executives can have an offer with the basic pay and allowances but the bonuses be rewarded in line with the performance or business profit margins. Amazing facts indicate that human performance has a main basis upon monetary rewards. (Daft et al, 372) Conclusion Top executives make hefty pay packages but most deserve the remunerati on they receive because of the business performance. They make key decisions every day, work under pressure to deliver and their jobs and titles are arguably the greatest all over the world thus they are internationally competitive. Assessment however indicates that only a fraction performs as per the requirement and thus the need to regulate the pays. The issuing of a basic salary and adjustable pay rise depending on the company’s performance would work fine. This would be a way of having a distinction between the best performing executives from the rest. The government should consider more legislature of the workers pay as per the performance levels as a measure of guaranteed routine by the top executives. Companies are in a position to give a breakdown of performance through the accountants as the foundation for remuneration just as the taxation processes. This would be an excellent measure to curb loopholes. There ought to be an internationally standardized payment levels for the top executives to enhance balanced competition. The contraction procedures also need to integrate means of escaping the clauses that bring about allegations if the company breaks the contract before time especially when the employees perform below expectations. These measures ensure only the best executives remain in business and thus making the companies to be more productive as well as successful. The aspect of highly paid executives would only be acceptable without disputes or controversies with the implementation of the important ideas discussed herein. Most importantly, the pay ought to reflect on business performance. Companies are tying to embrace these aspects as evident with the Mercer Company whose recent advertisements for a top executive post specified ability to â€Å"generate revenue through development of new client relationships, cross-selling to current clients and extension of current client engagements†. Works Cited Daft, Rechard .L., and Marcic, D orothy. â€Å"Understanding Management† Mason, OH: Cengage Learning, 2008. Edmund, Andrews, L. and Rajaj, Vikas. â€Å"U.S. Plans $500,000 Cap on Executive Pay  In Bailouts† The New York Times. (2009, February 3). Accessed from https://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/04/business/04pay.html McKenzie, Steven, J., and Traynor, William .J. â€Å"Opportunities in human resource Management careers: VGM opportunities series† McGraw-Hill Professional, 2001. Mercer Human Resources Consulting, Job Description for Senior Executive Compensation Consultant, accessed from Mercer web site on December 9, 2009 from https://www.mercer.com/mercer-careers.html Mathias, Robert, L., and Jackson, John, H. †Human Resource Management:  Essential Perspectives†. South-Western Cengage publishers, 2008. This research paper on The Problems in Executive’s Pay in the US was written and submitted by user Galilea L. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Proxemics - Understanding Personal Space

Proxemics - Understanding Personal Space Proxemics are the study of personal space.   First introduced in 1963 by Edward Hall who was interested in studying the impact of individual personal space on non-verbal communication.   In the years since, it has brought the attention of cultural anthropologists and others in the social sciences to the differences between different cultural groups and its impact on population density.   Promexics are also important for social interaction between individuals but are often difficult for individuals with disabilities to understand, especially individual with autism spectrum disorders.   Since how we feel about personal space is partly cultural (taught through constant interactions) and biological, since individuals will respond viscerally, it is often difficult for individuals with disabilities to understand this important part of the Hidden Curriculum, the set of social rules that are unspoken and often untaught but generally accepted as the standard of acceptable behavior. Typically developing individuals will actually experience anxiety in amygdala, a portion of the brain which generates pleasure and anxiety.   Children with disabilitieis, especially autism spectrum disorders, often dont experience that anxiety, or their level of anxiety is high over any unusual or unexpected experience.   Those students need to learn when it is appropriate to feel anxious in another persons personal space. Teaching Proxemics or Personal Space Explicit Teaching:   Children with disabilities often need to be taught explicitly what personal space is.   You can do that by developing a metaphor, like the Magic Bubble or you can use a real hula hoop to define the space which we call personal space. Social stories and pictures can also help understand appropriate personal space.   You might stage and take pictures of your students in appropriate and inappropriate distances from another.   You might also ask the principal, another teacher and even a campus policemen to show examples of appropriate personal space, based on relationships and social roles (i.e., one does not enter the personal space of an authority figure.)    You can demonstrate and model approaching personal space by having students approach you and use a noise maker (clicker, bell, claxon) to signal when a student enters your personal space.   Then give them the same opportunity to be approached.   Model, as well, appropriate ways to enter anothers personal space, either with a handshake, a high five, or a request for a hug.   Practice:   Create games that will help your students understand personal space.   Personal Bubble Game:   Give each student a hula hoop, and ask them to move about without overlapping anothers personal space.   Award every student 10 points, and have a judge take points away each time they enter anothers personal space without permission.   You can also award points to students who enter anothers personal space by asking appropriately.   Safety Tag: Put several hula hoops on the floor and have one student be it.   If a child can get into a personal bubble without being tagged, they are safe.   In order to become the next person to be it they need to get to other side of the room (or a wall in the playground) first.   This way, they are paying attention to personal space as well as being willing to exit that comfort zone to be the next person who is it.   Mother May I:   Take this old traditional game and make a personal space game out of it:   i.e. Mother, May I enter Johns personal space?   etc.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Barefoot in the Park, Neil Simons 1963 Romantic Comedy

Barefoot in the Park, Neil Simon's 1963 Romantic Comedy Barefoot in the Park is a romantic comedy written by Neil Simon. It premiered on Broadway in 1963, featuring leading man Robert Redford. The play was a smash hit, running for over 1,500 performances.​​​ The Basic Plot Corie and Paul are newlyweds, fresh from their honeymoon. Corie is still enthralled by her recent sexual awakening and the adventure that comes with youth and marriage. She wants their passionate romantic life to continue at full speed. Paul, however, feels it is time to focus on his burgeoning career as an up-and-coming lawyer. When they dont see eye-to-eye about their apartment, their neighbors, and their sex drive, the new marriage experiences its first patch of rough weather. The Setting Choose a good location for your play, and the rest will write itself. Thats what seems to happen in Barefoot in the Park. The entire play takes place on the fifth floor of a New York apartment building, one without an elevator. In Act One, the walls are bare, the floor is vacant of furniture, and the skylight is broken, allowing it to snow in the middle of their apartment at the most inopportune of moments. Walking up the stairs completely exhausts the characters, granting hilarious, out-of-breath entrances for telephone repairmen, delivery men, and mother-in-laws alike. Corie loves everything about their new, dysfunctional home, even if one must turn the heat off to warm up the place and flush down in order to make the toilet work. Paul, however, does not feel at home, and with the mounting demands of his career, the apartment becomes a catalyst for stress and anxiety. The setting initially creates the conflict between the two lovebirds, but it is the neighbor character who furthers the tension. The Crazy Neighbor Victor Velasco wins the award for the most colorful character in the play, even outdoing the bright, adventuresome Corie. Mr. Velasco prides himself on his eccentricity. He shamelessly sneaks through his neighbors apartments in order to break into his own. He climbs out  five-story windows and travels daringly across the buildings ledges. He loves exotic food and even more exotic conversation. When he meets Corie for the first time, he happily admits to being a dirty old man. Although, he does note that he is only in his fifties and therefore still in that awkward phase. Corie is charmed by him, even going as far as covertly arranging a date between Victor Velasco and her prudish mother. Paul distrusts the neighbor. Velasco represents everything Paul does not want to become: spontaneous, provocative, silly. Of course, those are all traits which Corie values. Neil Simons Women If Neil Simons late wife was anything like Corie, he was a lucky man. Corie embraces life as a series of exciting quests, one more exciting than the next. She is passionate, funny, and optimistic. However, if life becomes dull or tedious, then she shuts down and loses her temper. For the most part, she is the complete opposite of her husband. (Until he learns to compromise and actually walk barefoot in the park... while intoxicated.) In some ways, she is comparable to Julie the deceased wife featured in Simons 1992 Jakes Women. In both comedies, the women are vibrant, youthful, naà ¯ve, and adored by the male leads. Neil Simons first wife, Joan Baim, may have exhibited some of those traits seen in Corie. At the very least, Simon seemed to have been head-over-heels in love with Baim, as indicated in this excellent New York Times article, The Last of the Red Hot Playwrights written by David Richards: The first time I saw Joan she was pitching softball, Simon remembers. I couldnt get a hit off her because I couldnt stop looking at her. By September, writer and counselor were married. In retrospect, it strikes Simon as a period of great innocence, green and summery and gone forever. I noticed one thing almost as soon as Joan and Neil were married, says Joans mother, Helen Baim. It was almost like he drew an invisible circle around the two of them. And nobody went inside that circle. Nobody! A Happy Ending, Of Course What ensues is a light-hearted, predictable final act, in which tensions mount between the newlyweds, culminating with a brief decision to separate (Paul sleeps on the couch for a spell), followed by the realization that both husband and wife should compromise. Its yet another simple (but useful) lesson on moderation. Is Barefoot Funny to Todays Audience? In the sixties and seventies, Neil Simon was the hitmaker of Broadway. Even throughout the eighties and nineties, he was creating plays that were vibrant crowd-pleasers. Plays such as Lost in Yonkers and his autobiographic trilogy pleased the critics as well. Although by todays media-frenzied standards, plays such as Barefoot in the Park may feel like the pilot episode of a slow-paced sitcom; yet there is still a lot to love about his work. When it was written, the play was a comedic look at a modern young couple who learn to live together. Now, enough time has gone by, enough changes in our culture and relationships have occurred, that Barefoot feels like a time capsule, a glimpse into a nostalgic past when the worst thing couples could argue about is a broken skylight, and all conflicts could be resolved simply by making a fool of oneself.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Toyota Production System Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Toyota Production System - Article Example In a company that produces iron sheets, just in time can be applied by placing orders for raw material such that the materials ordered for arrive at the company in the right quantity just when it is needed and without any delays. Muda refers to waste or anything that adds no value to the system. Muda exists in the form of motion, correction, processing, waiting time, conveyance, overproduction, and inventory. In a company that manufactures iron sheet, one example of muda is raw material that has been established to be substandard in quality and therefore needs to be reworked. Yokoten implies horizontal deployment; good practices and results in one area or organization are copied or applied to other areas or organizations. One franchise of Coca Cola company can decide to send a team of its employees to a more efficient franchise in a different country so that the team observes and learns how things are done to ensure high efficiency and productivity. The team will learn and implement what they have learnt doing what they can to improve on the ideas in their organization. Pokayoke involves the use of fool proof devices during production. Through the use of fool proof devices, the production of defective parts that result from human error is minimized or altogether eliminated. In a manufacturing plant, the buttons in the control panel of a machine can be color coded and associated with drawings that show what the buttons make the machines do. This way, even an untrained operator has less chances of pressing the wrong button that may lead to the production of faulty parts. Hoshin involves capturing and cementing strategic goals as developed by executive managers so that they are realized eventually. The organization’s level of performances is set to improve with the passage of time as the strategic goals are realized. In a soda manufacturing company, top management may develop strategic goals relating to the production of a given quantity of soda crates.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Stock Market of China and USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Stock Market of China and USA - Essay Example For 20 years America has been borrowing unprecedented quantities of money to play its stock-market casino. Even after the latest falls, the US stock market is worth 120 per cent of GDP, compared with 40 per cent for much of the 1980s, and far above its previous peak of 72 per cent in 1972. Meanwhile, the US trade deficit stands at a record 4 per cent of GDP; no country has ever been able to sustain a deficit on this scale for long. The US currently absorbs 64 per cent of all global capital flows to finance its deficit. Capital has been sucked out of the rest of the world, including many developing countries, to enable America to indulge itself. It is no coincidence that Citicorp, the giant US bank, has its largest branch outside New York in Buenos Aires. For years Americans deluded themselves that they were actually making this money rather than borrowing it. With the ever-rising stock market fuelling the illusion of wealth, they embarked on an orgy of personal spending, building up an average credit-card debt of $7,000 per household and allowing the proportion of their incomes saved to fall below zero for the first time since the 1920s. But now the casino has closed for business, and America finds that it has run out of chips. And then there is China. This year its economy will grow by 8 per cent, and with the vast majority of its GDP dependent upon domestic trade, it remains well insulated from the downturn in the global economy. Moreover, earlier this month China joined the World Trade Organisation, a momentous event utterly eclipsed by events in America.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Police Brutality, Have Times Really Changed Essay Example for Free

Police Brutality, Have Times Really Changed Essay The history of Police Brutality for minorities; especially people of color has left America wondering have times changed. Police brutality has deemed the opportunity for socioeconomic advancement or access to good and services for many Black/African Americans dating back as far as 1955. The system of Police brutality has affected many realms of society for minorities’ employment and family life. After some scholarly research, police brutality is still prevalent in the Black/African American community; moreover, it comes in many different forms and fashions. Police brutality is the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. Excessive use of force is a means of force well beyond what would be necessary in order to handle a situation. This research seeks to understand the history of police brutality and how it continues to be prevalent; if not, more prevalent in presently than in the past. The history of police brutality dates back to slavery, encompasses the civil rights movement, and defines the growing accounts of modern situation in which Blacks/African Americans have been treated wrong by law enforcement. Elijah Anderson (2000) claims, â€Å"the idea of the race man goes back to the segregated Black/African American community, in fact all the way back to slaver† (Elijah Anderson, 2). Modern leaders like Jesse Jackson could be viewed as a race man; meaning, his help is deeply imbedded when he feels the Black/African American community has been treated unjust. As a leaders of the Black/African American community, there is always a time to become actively involved in the community, especial pertaining to police brutality. Secondly, Emmett Till is another example of police brutality, but in another form. Note, Emmett Till was not beaten by the police; however, his brutal beaten came from a group of white men in Money, Mississippi. I define this travesty as police brutality due to the milestone of social inequality that police brutality has fed off of. Bob Blauner (1992) reveals, â€Å"Chicagoan Emmett Till in Mississippi has been awakening to the end of social equality (Bob Blauner, 1). Instances such as the brutal killing of Emmett Till led to the civil rights movement. The civil rights movement was geared toward  helping not only Blacks/African American community, but helping America dismantle discrimination, segregation, lynching, double standards of laws and rules, police brutality and overall equality. The civil rights movement was filled with many acts of police brutality. For instance, a woman in Riverside, California was shot several times by law enforcement officers. They claim they were threaten by her, but had no idea this woman was engulfed in a diabetic coma. Legalized Cop Violence (1999) shares, â€Å"Dontae Dawson was sitting in his car and was ordered to raise his hands, when he did he fatally shot and killed the officer claims he thought the young man had a gun† The New York News, 12). The civil rights era proved that law enforcement officers did not serve the poor, the powerless or the un-influential. The legalized violence that was committed throughout the civil rights era has drastically changed; however, police brutality is still presently evident. For instance, officers of the law are servants of the state. They hold deeply to the interest of capital, wealth, and government to corporate figures. Currently, Black/African American leaders are still dealing with the vicious killing of two youth. These two particular situations has rocked the nation. First, Trayvon Martin, who was seventeen years old was walking from a community store in Sanford, Florida and was shoot to death at close range. No, he was not shot by the police; moreover, this situation has ignited once again racial inequality which is no stranger to police brutality. Although Trayvon Martin’s assassin was found not guilty, laws in the State of Florida allows citizens to stand they ground if they feel threaten. The 2014 State Statues of Florida 76.013 reveals, â€Å"home protection; use or threatened use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm† is permitted. Despite the important racial progresss our society has made since Emmett Till’s death, from the civil rights era, to present increase of police brutality has still left the Black/African American community in shadows of segregation. The second most recent shooting of teenager Michael Brown has left citizens in ongoing battles with law enforcement officers of Ferguson, Missouri. New Statement (2014) reports, Missouri police similarly attempted to retain control of the narrative, claiming Brown had stolen cigars, and then paying for them, and then claiming he was a bad child and attacked the officer who shot him† (New Statement, 21). Brown autopsy reveals he was gun less and shot six  times. Police brutality is not solely about Ferguson, Emmett Till, or the civil rights movement, but it is simply about the history of capitalism and police brutality in America and having many forms of it. Which leads us to the question has times really changed are is police brutality still very surreal. Granted we talked mostly about Emmet Till, Trayvon Martin Michael Brown, and the civil rights these are not the only men or eras in time where police brutality has and still to this day is taking place. A few others who have suffered and died from police brutality include: Ezzel Ford who was mentally disabled and John Crawford III who was playing with a toy gun in the toy section of Wal-Mart. I know there are more people and time eras that have faced police brutality but these are just a few that are having a major impact on the world as we see it today. Which rises brings us to the question is Police Brutality the problem or as we as African America/ Blacks causing the problems and then when police are called to settle or solve the problem we over react or act as if we have done nothing wrong. Some cases in which police were called to a scene and they were hurt or out in danger include in July of 1920 five police were called to a home in New York to settle a dispute between two brothers where in return all five of the cops were injured, another time is in September of 1991 when three of duty officers in the state of New York were in a argument with a 18year old who in return pulled out a box cutting razor knife slashing one of the officers. Now I am not saying that because of these incidents this gives cops a reason to act the way that they do, but my question again is are we as African Americans/Blacks completely innocent or do we sometimes react to situations when cops are just doing their jobs that make them feel threatened so they have to kill. Yet there are more and better ways to deal with situations. Just like we the people should not always resort to violence and killing and committing black on black or white on white crime police need to and should follow the same rules of the world. Every man woman boy and girl should be treated how they would want to be treated. I’m sure the way police treat African Americans/Blacks when we commit crimes is not how they would want their family and or friends to be treated. There are some people who think that the way to downgrade police brutality is to adopt more white ways specifically the white perspective and to manifest intensively. Granted this is true; however, I do believe that just like us African Americans can  sometimes over react and over step our boundaries, I believe that cops have a bad habit of doing this as well. Yes your job as a police officer is to protect and serve the communities that you are in but moreover we are all humans and at this day in age no one is better than the next person no matter what race ethnicity sex or community you live in we are all said to be treated equal but are we treated as equals? If we were would there be so much police brutality and hostility toward police. Since the Trayvon Martin, and Michael Brown case I can see and understand why so many people have so much hate in their hearts. Although Trayvon Martin was not shot by a police officer he was shot by â€Å"a watchman of the area† Which in my opinion means if you are here to watch our neighborhood and protect us then he should of known \who Trayvon was he should have been tolerant t figure out if Trayvon was really a threat to the neighborhood or if he was just â€Å"overreacting and looking for somebody to shot† and the same with Michael Brown who was actually shot by police men were the jumping the gun and did not take the time to find out if he really was stealing or if there was a miscommunication which I believe that’s what it was. Which leaves us to the question with the belief that slavery has ended and that all people are equal; then why is that police have and continue to get away with the brutally killing of African Americans. Works Cited Abu-Jamal, M. (1999). Legalized Cop Violence. New York: The New York Amsterdam News. Anderson, E. (2000). Beyond the Melting Pot Reconsidering. International Migration Review , 1-7. Anderson, E. (2014). Emmett and Trayvon. Washington: The Washington Monthly. Blauner, B. (1992). Talking Past Each Other: The Black and White Language of Race. The American Prospect , 1-6. Edwards, B. (2014). 4 Dead Unarmed Men and the Police: What You Need to Know. The Root. Penny, L. (2014, August 20). Welcome to America, Where Police Shoot an Unarmered Black MAn Six Times-and then call him a Villain. New Statesman , pp. 22-28. Tucker, W. (1993, January). Is Police Brutality the Problem? Commentary , pp. 23-28.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Split Cherry Tree by Jesse Stuart Essay -- Split Cherry Tree Jesse Stu

Split Cherry Tree by Jesse Stuart The short story, Spilt Cherry Tree, was written by Jesse Stuart. In the beginning of the story, Dave and his classmates went with Professor Herbert on a field trip for biology class. They were all searching for lizards, bugs, snakes, frogs, flowers, and plants. Dave and five of his classmates had spotted a lizard in the old cherry tree up the hill, so all six of them ran up the tree after it, and the tree broke down. Eif Crabtree, the owner of the tree was plowing when it happened and he ran up and go tall the boys’ names. Dave’s five classmates who broke the tree with him were all able to get the dollar that they owed Mr. Crabtree, but Dave knew he wouldn’t be able to get his. Professor Herbert kept Dave after school and told him that he paid Dave’s dollar, but he would have to work four hours at the school to earn the full dollar, which means he would be getting paid twenty-five cents and hour to help the janitor. Dave really didn’t mind staying after school, but he knew that he would get a whipping from his father if he was two hours late getting home. Dave told Professor Herbert that he would rather have the professor whip him with a switch so he could go on home and help his dad with chores because he knew his dad would whip him if he was two hours late. Dave was also afraid that his father would make him quit school because he was a little old fashioned and didn’t understand the school system of that time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dave hurried hom... Split Cherry Tree by Jesse Stuart Essay -- Split Cherry Tree Jesse Stu Split Cherry Tree by Jesse Stuart The short story, Spilt Cherry Tree, was written by Jesse Stuart. In the beginning of the story, Dave and his classmates went with Professor Herbert on a field trip for biology class. They were all searching for lizards, bugs, snakes, frogs, flowers, and plants. Dave and five of his classmates had spotted a lizard in the old cherry tree up the hill, so all six of them ran up the tree after it, and the tree broke down. Eif Crabtree, the owner of the tree was plowing when it happened and he ran up and go tall the boys’ names. Dave’s five classmates who broke the tree with him were all able to get the dollar that they owed Mr. Crabtree, but Dave knew he wouldn’t be able to get his. Professor Herbert kept Dave after school and told him that he paid Dave’s dollar, but he would have to work four hours at the school to earn the full dollar, which means he would be getting paid twenty-five cents and hour to help the janitor. Dave really didn’t mind staying after school, but he knew that he would get a whipping from his father if he was two hours late getting home. Dave told Professor Herbert that he would rather have the professor whip him with a switch so he could go on home and help his dad with chores because he knew his dad would whip him if he was two hours late. Dave was also afraid that his father would make him quit school because he was a little old fashioned and didn’t understand the school system of that time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dave hurried hom...

Monday, November 11, 2019

LVMH: Managing the Multi-Brand Conglomerate Essay

1. LVMH’s diversification represents the group’s strong presence in the luxury goods market as a whole with products from the fashion and leather range, wines and spirits range, watches and jewelry range, perfumes and cosmetics range, and finally the selective retailing range. This strategy aims to claim market share in market segments that are interrelated with the specific customer segment as the common denominator. LVMH is a market leader in some markets and has a decent market share in others and aims to be the leader in the luxury market as a whole where the elite customers can recognize its brands from all of its product ranges and the company plans to build brand loyalty within those customers so that a customer who chooses LVMH for watches for instance, is also inclined to choose an LVMH product for wine and spirits. Diversification also spreads the company’s costs over a number of brands and the revenues as well so that it can always insure good rate of return for investors. 2. For a company like LVMH to compete on a scope that includes champagne, jewelry, fashion, cosmetics, and retailing is logical and even necessary for it to keep a competitive edge because its competitors have implemented the same strategy to fight for market share in the luxury market in all of its segments. The company’s policy aims to build the idea in their customers’ heads that they can always expect the same consistent high-end quality when choosing any brand that is owned or associated by LVMH and since elite customers, or simply customers looking for some products for luxury living, usually want to wear high quality jewelry to match their high quality fashion wear or even enjoy the consumption of high quality spirits, they can always have the brand image of LVMH in their heads because they expect that the quality of the jewelry or the wine will match the quality of the fashion wear they are wearing. 3. LVMH adds value to its different businesses by passing down the know-how that made its original products timeless to the brands that are relatively newer so that quality is consistent throughout its different brands. The company does this through human resources departments that have  an eye for talents for design as well as the right people to learn the company’s policies and to implement them so that the functioning of the group remains consistent. The value chain for LVMH begins with purchasing raw materials for them to create their product, which of course, they have gained expertise and leadership even in some segments. In operations, handled extensively in France and Spain, they strive to compete for cost leadership. Next comes logistics, which is mainly sea routes and they strive to have their products delivered in timely fashion so they can meet customer demands which sometimes exceeds supply knowing that creating high-end luxury products is time consuming. Next is marketing, where they always depend on their brands’ historic qualities to promote themselves to already-loyal customers and to newer customers seeking luxury goods. Finally, in service, human resources can always insure the best retail outlet partnerships and good sales and after-sales services. 4. In general, LVMH have their value chain synergized whether purchasing, operations, technology, sales and marketing, distribution, and services but since their multi-brand strategy is highly decentralized (this is due to the belief of keeping the independent identity of the brand and its creative process), but technology can be best synergized in this sense only to control quality and oversee the creative process while at the same time assuring the creative processes remain independent and well-backed. 5. LVMH’s core competence begins in its product and service quality which is history timeless and is already infiltrated the luxury market as a whole either as a market leader or a strong competitor for market leadership. This alone gives the brands a strong competitive advantage and attractiveness. Another core competence is innovation. LVMH’s brands and smart brand acquisition strategy has seen it house some very important fashion labels that are historically known for innovation (Luis Vuitton, Givenchy, Tag Heuer etc†¦) as well as hiring some of the most world-renown designers (example: Marc Jacobs). With this in customers’ minds, they can always expect innovation from the company’s already established brands as well as their newly acquired or marketed brands. LVMH organizes training and skills development seminars that ensure they always remain competitive and leaders in innovation, creativity, and luxury appeal. Their controlled distribution  networks, extensive marketing activity, and their presence in all the luxury markets also gives the company as a whole a competitive edge. 6. LVMH has exploited its core competence in its various diversification moves and strategic acquisitions in a very reasonable and logical manner. The diversification moves have remained consistent with the company’s image because it has diversified only into markets and products which the company viewed as â€Å"luxury† in the eyes of the customer. The company has enough knowledge of the market and they know customer tastes and behavior and it also uses the existing infrastructure to promote their diversified products. The same can be said about the strategic acquisitions as they usually acquire a brand based on its fit with LVMH’s existing product lines or if that is not the case, they may acquire a brand for a certain characteristic or asset they think they need to gain more competitive advantage which may be used either in the newly acquired brand or their existing brands. It is also important to note that newly acquired businesses have greatly contributed to the company’s revenues over the recent years and shareholders have, as well, benefited from the diversification strategy of LVMH. 7. LVMH manages its diversified empire by implementing a decentralized management strategy to manage its many diverse brands. Most of them enjoy a great deal of autonomy because in the fashion business, which depends on creativity and innovation, the creative people must be given freedom for their work to become a hit and not a miss. Headquarters ensure quality control and financial backing for newly acquired brands that have near future potential. LVMH manages a very diversified product portfolio with star brands in the fashion and leather goods and to some extent the watches and jewelry brands. They have cash cows in the wine and spirits brands and in selective retailing. They have however question marks in the perfumes and cosmetics lines. The cash cows look to remain that way and not become poor dogs due to the timelessness of LVMH’s products in history and their portfolio of star products are diversified and positioned in the market in a way that capitalizes on the industry’s growth. As previously mentioned, LVMH manages people with a human resources department that organizes skill developing seminars as well as inter-product seminars to strengthen the  brand’s philosophy in its people and to motivate them to work always in that manner. 8. As previously noted, LVMH has a strength in its synergies due to its existing infrastructure regardless of its diversified brands, newly-acquired brands, and global presence where it is normal to form synergies in the value chain in order to have consistent quality and timely delivery of products as well as maintaining the same level of excellence in sales, marketing, and after sales services. Their selective retailing of course, is the main reason for delays in case of unexpected high demands and in high costs, but since it does not sacrifice its core competency in delivering always high quality luxury products. 9. Some synergies that can be identified and exploited by LVMH include overlapping technology across all its diverse businesses including e-commerce and to implement technology developments into some of its brands which have long been run in a traditional way. Operations are normally overlapping due to the nature of luxury goods and this can be further exploited to include wine and spirits product lines to include better synergy in marketing and sales for this product line. Luxury products are normally sold in similar markets therefore they can always demand a premium price since they target premium customers and this will always be to the company’s advantage and it should not back down from this pricing policy. This product placement and premium price it demands makes it easy for LVMH’s different diverse businesses to overlap and cross-sell its diverse luxury brands. 10. Bernard Arnault’s diversified strategy and his acquisitions under LVMH have been, in general, fruitful and this is evident from the fact the new acquisitions are contributing significantly to the revenues of the company and the growth is sustained in existing markets and is positive in new markets. It is normal, when implementing such a strategy, that some strategic moves may not always be fruitful but the company can afford to pull the plug on brands that are not performing as expected due to the large diversification in all departments that the company enjoys and the existing  infrastructure and operations chain which won’t be harmed in this case. The company’s image is still regarded by the customer as it was historically and the elite customer can still relate to its fresh acquisitions and above all the shareholders are satisfied with the financials of the company so, all in all, as long the management is remains overlooking the creative processes and the company satisfies its strong creative people, the strategy looks to be sustained. 11. LVMH is recommended to continue adding to its already impressive product portfolio by keeping sight on appealing brands that fits its brand image. However, luxury businesses that are not core to its image should be divested from such as the mass retailing and media businesses and it should focus on its core product lines. Also, management should be patient with brands that are initially underperforming because over time, they may build their own reputation and become hot sellers and this move is in line with the company’s philosophy of timelessness. LVMH should also have back-up options in creativity in the form of protà ©gà © designers in the case of head designers leaving or disagreeing with management policies because at the end of the day, in the luxury business it is the combination of innovative design as well as high quality that affects the bottom line sales and revenue. 12. SWOT Analysis: Strengths: Diverse and powerful product portfolio in the luxury market – historical significance of the brand image – Strong distribution channels and strong relations with retailers due to the brands’ influence – Consistency in launching new products and acquiring new businesses – High-end quality control Weaknesses: Selective retailing business questionable with underperforming returns – Competitiveness within its own brands weakens some of them against competitors Opportunities: Entering new markets and expanding into new countries –  Marketing and advertising more aggressively Threat: External economic impacts (price deflation, decrease in consumer purchasing power†¦) – Imitator brands and cheap knock-off products – Focusing on one brand and neglecting other brands with big potential

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Malcolm X Citation Essay

â€Å"The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.† This quote by Malcolm X showed that he was ready for the future, whatever it may be. (Moncur). Malcolm X greatly affected the turn of black de-segregation in the 1950s. He had strong beliefs, suffered a gruesome assassination, and a remarkable legacy. Malcolm Little had many strong beliefs in himself and in people all over the world. Malcolm Little educated himself, so was able to find out what he believed. For one, he changed his name from Malcolm Little to Malcolm X because X was the original surname of the slaves from whom he had descended. He insisted that Blacks had the right to protect themselves. He had always believed that violence was occasionally reasonable. Even though he was put into prison in 1946 for burglary, and got out in 1952, he was still a very significantly important person. Malcolm X became very interested in the Nation of Islam. The Nation of Islam is based on conventional teachings, Black Nationalism, and self-help programs that helped the Blacks living in the ghettoes. He believed in and studied Elijah Muhammad, who was the leader of the Black Muslims and popularized their doctrines. He soon became a Black Muslim and as one, he encouraged other Blacks to form all-Black communities. After being a Black Muslim for awhile, he became the â€Å"Top Dog† and representative for them. On March 8, 1964, Malcolm X broke with the Nation of Islam and made a religious journey to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. In Mecca, he took the name El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. When Malcolm broke with the Nation of Islam, he became a target for death threats and pressure. On February 21st, Malcolm X was shot and his life was taken away from him in Harlem. No one thinks it is a coincidence the February 21st, was the first day of National Brotherhood Week. He was shot by a double-barreled shot gun and two pistols. Malcolm’s lawyer, Percy Sutton, said after he was proclaimed dead, â€Å"Malcolm knew he would be killed. He told me repeatedly-and as late as yesterday- that his life was in danger† (Finkelman). There were three men involved in the assassination of Malcolm. They were all members of the Nation of Islam. The main one who shot him in the chest was Talmadge Hayer. Hayer was born in 1943, making him twenty-two at the time of Malcolm’s death. Earlier in his life he was detained in prison for possession of guns and disorderly conduct. He testified that his accomplices were not guilty, but they were all convicted. The Audubon Ballroom was the place where Malcolm was shot. The Audubon Ballroom adjoined a theatre found in Washington Heights, NYC. Washington Heights is in a neighborhood north of Harlem. Recently, it was obliterated to make way for the new Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, the place were Malcolm X was taken when he was shot. Everyone that walks in the doors of the Hospital will see the memorial which was placed there for Malcolm X. Malcolm X was one of the most contentious persons of the century. He had met many people, traveled many places, and influenced many lives. Many young Black activists supported him. Malcolm X was captivating and witty, while his words gave hope to all who heard them. He was an incredible speaker and many people wished to quote him. Malcolm X once said, â€Å"How can anyone be against love?†(â€Å"Malcolm X†). I agree with him, no one can be against love. This is one of the many reasons Malcolm X supported the Blacks and helped them to believe that they had the right to be safe, the right to protect themselves, and the right to love.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

In Hobsons Choice Essay Example

In Hobsons Choice Essay Example In Hobsons Choice Paper In Hobsons Choice Paper Maggie: I am. Willie however has other ideas. He does not want to marry Maggie; he disagrees with her and thinks that they would not be happy, as he does not love her. He tells her that she is a shapely body and a brilliant sales clerk but as a couple, they would not get far in life without love. Maggie is very strong willed about her idea and no matter what excuse Willie comes up with; Maggie is set on marrying him and leaving her fathers shop. Willie tells Maggie that he is tokened to a girl called Ada Figgins, a helpless girl with whose mother he lodges. Willie is a caring man who is willing to protect Ada, a woman with whom he will have no real future other than what he does now. Maggie however is determined to marry Willie so that he can do well in life. When Maggie finds out that Willie is set to marry Ada Figgins, who is due to arrive at the shop soon with Willies dinner, Maggie is determined to talk to her when she arrives and persuade her or force her not to marry Willie. Willie feels he should protect Ada and he would rather be with her than Maggie. Maggie is ambitious but Willie does not think of himself in that way. Ada arrives at the shop and Maggie immediately confronts her. Maggie: I want a word with you. Youre treading on my foot, young woman. Ada: Me, Miss Hobson? (She looks stupidly at Maggies feet) Maggie realises that Ada Figgins is a poor-spirited and meek woman and Maggie takes full advantage of this. She stands over her and demands to know what is happening between Willie and her. Ada is not very intelligent and she does not realise what Maggie is trying to make clear. Willie tries to intervene on one occasion; to tell Ada that he is against Maggies idea, but is immediately shot down by Maggie. Willie: Ada, she- Maggie: You hold you hush. This is for me and her to settle Willie is trying to speak to Ada to explain that he is not to blame in any way for what Maggie is proposing. Maggie has full control over who speaks, what is said in the discussion, and as she disallows Willie to speak, and Willie obeys her. Afterwards Willie only speaks when he is spoken to and throughout the discussion Maggie is in control of who speaks and what is said. Willie tries to tell Ada that he is against Maggies idea. Willie is stopped speaking by Maggie and when Ada continues to argue, Maggie ends the discussion by asking her what idea she has of Willies future. Ada chooses to let Willie make up his own judgement to which Maggie tells Willie he is to wed her and not Ada. Willie expects Ada to stop this happening, asking her to fight for him. Ada can only weakly complain, while Maggie continues to ignore all other opinions. Willie is again avoiding an argument, asking Ada to stop Maggie, although the audience can clearly see that both Ada and Willie feel threatened by Maggies assertiveness and stubborn attitude. Ada: (weakly) Its daylight robbery. Willie: Arent you going to put up a better fight for me than that, Ada? Youre fair giving me to her. Maggie: Will Mossop, you take orders from me in this shop. Ive told you, youll wed me. Both Ada and Willie dare not argue with Maggie. Maggie knows that Willie does not want to marry her and the way that Maggie forces him into marrying her, lets the audience see that Willie is not a strong willed man, he is submissive towards Maggie and expects Ada to argue on his behalf. When Maggie informs her father of her marriage decision and Hobson is furious. Maggie demands that she is paid a wage and that Willie is employed at the same wage. Maggie and Willie want to be treated as if they are no relation to Hobson, just employees. Maggie: Ill work eight hours a day in future and you will pay me fifteen shillings by the week. if Willie goes, I go Im a value to you, and sos my man Maggie wants to be employed by Hobson so she is no longer employing Willie. It makes them equal as a couple and neither will be superior or inferior as far as class is concerned. Her cheek to him angers Hobson and he calls for Willie to come up from the cellar, unbuckling his belt. Willie comes up out of the trap as Hobson conceals the strap whilst he talks to Willie. Hobson claims that he must beat the love out of Willies body, and Willie tries to explain that the love cannot be beaten out of his body, as there is none there. Hobson promises Willie that he will beat him upon entering work every morning until he does not love Maggie. The audience sees Willie answering Hobson honestly and with respect until Hobson strikes Willie. Here we see a dramatic change as Willies temper flares. Willie: Im none wanting thy Maggie but if you touch me with that belt Ill take her quick, aye and stick to her like glue. Hobson: Theres nobbut one answer to that kind of talk (He strikes with belt) Willie: And Ive nobbut one answer back. Maggie Ive none kissed you yet but, by gum, Ill kiss you now and if Mr Hobson raises up that strap again Ill do more. Ill walk straight out of shop with thee Here we see a dramatic change in Willies character. He is standing up to Hobson and not waiting for Maggie to tell him what to do. Even though Hobson attacks him verbally and physically, Willie does not lose his nerve. Hobsons anger and threats fuel Willies courage. Brighouse has shown that Willie has already begun to change with the support of Maggie. With Maggie backing him, he feels more courageous and he stands up for himself instead of letting Hobson be the master. Act Two Maggie returns to Hobsons in Chapel Street to visit her sisters, Vickey and Alice, and arrange for her own wedding day. Maggie plans to help her sisters also get married and Vickey comments on how Maggie has made it more difficult for herself and Alice to find a suitable husband. Vickey: You havent made it any easier for you, you know. Willie: It wasnt my fault, Miss Vickey, really it wasnt. Maggie: You call her Vickey, Will. Vickey protests to Willie being authorized to call her by her Christian name, and Maggie tries to point out to her that although Willie was once a boot hand employed by Hobson, he is now his own master with his own business and Vickey should accept him as one of the family. Brighouse brings up this point to show that marrying Maggie has changed him because of her influence onto him and also because he is now part of a family, and he is beginning to be accepted in this family. From the last time the audience saw him in the boot shop, Willie has changed from a shy, rabbit around Maggie and her sisters, to someone who is beginning to talk to Hobsons daughters easily. Although he still obeys Maggie, he has begun to speak at times other than when he is requested to speak. Willie does not think it right to call Maggies sister Vickey and not Miss Vickey and he tells Maggie to leave it when she tells Vickey that Willie is theoretically higher in society than both Vickey and Alice. Willie modesty denies the fact and tells Maggies sisters that he may have his name written in the windows but he does not know about being his own master. Willie is a modest and considerate man. Maggies words to her sisters could have been taken, as cutting remarks and Willie is trying not to upset Vickey and Alice by making them feel inferior to a man who was once their inferior. Maggie proudly presents Willies business card, and reads it out to her sisters. She then tells her sisters in a commanding way to kiss Willie, beginning with Vickey who takes a bit of convincing. Maggie: Thats his business card: William Mossop, Practical Boot and Shoe Maker, 39a Oldfield Road, Salford Ill do more than let you call him in his name. You can both of you kiss him for your brother-in-law to be. Willie: Nay, Maggie, Im no great hand at kissing. Maggie: Im waiting, Vickey. Willie: I dont see that you ought to drive her to it Maggie. Brighouse has written the play with Maggie showing her sisters the card, mainly to let the audience see how proud she is of the new business beginning to take shape. Maggie is probably proud because she has done all the work to set the business up. She will have scheduled to have the business cards made and she arranged the loan from Mrs Hepworth. At the first idea of kissing Alice and Vickey Willie is not too keen. He makes an excuse by saying that cannot kiss very well, and Maggie dryly agrees with him. Although Willie is beginning to change, he still obeys Maggie, and as Vickey stated, Maggie always gets her way when she tells someone to do something. Maggie is a very strong person and some of this strength is beginning to wear off onto Willie, his confidence is growing and his personality is starting to become apparent, but Maggie still has the power to control his actions. Willie weakly protests, as he did when Maggie proposed, in a pleading way, as if hoping Maggie will just tire of the idea. He does not try to stop anything happening himself or physically, he attempts change Maggies opinion on her idea to stop things. Although Maggies sisters do not want to kiss Willie and Willie is just as unconcerned, they kiss him and Maggie is satisfied. After the girls kiss Willie his opinion changes from earlier and he enjoys be kissed by the two girls. Vickey kisses Will, who finds he rather likes it Willie: Theres more in kissing nice young women than I thought. Brighouse has made Willie a very innocent character, which may imply that, although he said he was in love with Ada, and she with him, may not have had a physical relationship with her or anyone else, as he is new to kissing. He was nervous before but after kissing both, he realises that he likes it. Brighouse could have written this as a hidden meaning to describe how when Willie follows Maggies advice he is introduced to new and better things. Maggie is showing him what the world outside of the boot shop is like and trying to introduce him to middle class. Maggie comes to the boot shop to pick up some old furniture, which is broken slightly, from the attic, so that Willie can repair it and they can use it in the house. Willie is about to be married and has had time to get accustomed to the idea, but is still respectful and shy towards Maggie. Maggie: Get upstairs, Will. I told you what to bring. Alice: Wait a bit. Maggie: Go on. Willie goes into the house Maggie: Put the chairs on the hand-cart, Will. Willie goes out to street. Maggie speaks to Willie in a calm yet commanding tone, she does not ask him to do things, and she tells him to get on with it but without raising her voice. Alice tells Willie to wait a while, but it is Maggies order that he obeys. Willie respects Maggie and will do anything for her without an argument. Maggie is in control of the situation at all times. Brighouse has left some of Willies stark characteristics that would be expected by the audience to remain, for example, the way he obeys Maggie, the way he used to when she employed him. Although he is about to become her husband, he is so accustomed to being told what to do by Maggie that he still acts as though she is the employer and he the worker. Willie and Maggie discuss their wedding before they leave for the church and Willie becomes determined that he is ready for this marriage. His newfound self-determination shows through and he speaks confidently to Maggie. Willie: its taking summat on to go to church with a wench, and the lord knows what. Maggie: parson going to ask you will you have me and youll either answer truthfully or not at all Willie: Ill tell him yes. Yes, Maggie. Im resigned. Youre growing on me lass. Ill toe the line with you Willie is now sure of himself that he is ready for this wedding and he has made up his mind that he wants to marry Maggie, the answer he gives the parson will be the truth. He has realised that Maggie has already changed his life for the better and he knows that she was correct in thinking that they would make a successful partnership in marriage and business. Brighouse has chosen to have Maggie give Willie an escape route by saying that if he was not sure he did not have to go through with it, this shows that Willie has changed enough to make up his own mind without Maggie telling him what to do. Act Three After the wedding ceremony, Willie stands to make a speech, thanking his guests for attending the wedding. The stage direction tells the audience that he rises, nervously, and rushes his little speech like a child who has learnt a lesson. Willie is confident enough to speak in front of others but his rushing of words shows the audience he is still feeling nervous. Willie: Its a very great pleasure to us to see you here tonight. Its an honour you do us, and I assure you, speaking for my- my wife, as well as for myself, that the the- Maggie: (in an undertone) Generous. Willie: Oh, aye. Thats it. That the generous warmth of the sentiments so cordially expressed by Mr Beenstock and so enthusiastically seconded by no, Ive gotton that wrong road round Willies speech is spoken rushed and prepared, as if he has been taught and rehearsed it to memorise it for this occasion. A child would memorise a role in a play and speak it as though it was being read from a piece of paper in a similar way to Willie, and in reality Willies education makes him like a child. He has not been through school, just life and so being educated in English and so on now is as it is for a child, a completely new experience. When Willie was complimented on his speech, Maggie admits that she has been teaching him, she also tells of the hopes she has of him for the future, and in twenty years time she remarks that Willie will be thought of more than Mr Prosser and Beenstock at the bank. This lets the audience know that Willie has a future and with Maggies help, it is going to be a rich and prosperous future. Although Maggie and Willie are now officially married, the roles and attitudes to one another have not changed. As Maggie prepares to leave she tells Willie that she will need the table on her return and so he better get on with clearing away the used cutlery and crockery and do the washing up. Willie does what Maggie asks; so far, he has listened to Maggies ideas, carried them out and seen his life improve. Willie is not an intelligent man and so Brighouse may have wanted to show the audience that Willies character has not changed, he still carries out Maggies orders but now for different reasons. Before Maggie employed him and so he was paid to do what she said, but now he may have realised that if he does what she suggests or tells him to do, his life changes for the better. When Hobson arrives, Maggie makes a point of asking Willie if he can come in to show Hobson Willies authority. Maggie: Will, its my father. Is he to come in? Willie: (loudly an boldly) Aye, let him come. Maggie is making a huge show of asking Willie permission, and Willie plays along, soundly masterly to show Hobson how he has changed. Had it been any other visitor, Maggie would have invited them in herself without asking Willies consent but as it is her father, she makes sure Hobson knows that Willie is the master of the house and he has changed from being a boot hand to a boot maker with his own firm. Hobson begins to tell Maggie of the trouble of trespassing he is in, something that Maggie already knows about, and something that is also a part in her plan. As soon as he mentions that he is in trouble however, Maggie stands up and walks from the room telling Hobson that she is only in the way. Hobson does not understand, he tells Maggie that he came to speak to her and after some convincing, which would have been unneeded had Maggie not wanted to prove her point to her father, that Willie was a changed and capable man. However, Maggie agrees to sit at the table with Hobson and Willie and, luckily for Willie, help him with his problem. Maggie strengthens Hobsons relationship with Willie and this makes Willie feel uncomfortable and strange. Willie: Sit down Mr Hobson Maggie: You call him father now. Willie: (astonished) Do I? Willie is shocked that he can call Hobson father after years of being employed and paid to call him sir. After hearing Hobsons problem, Willie begins to speak freely about the publicity Hobson will gain when the court case comes near, and his remarks are said with no malicious intent just simplicity. Other peoples troubles is mostly what folks read the paper for, and I reckon its twice the pleasure to them when its trouble of a man they know themselves. (He is perfectly simple and has no malicious intention. ) Brighouse has changed Willies attitude towards Hobson now. Willie used to be very respectful, shy and quiet when speaking to Hobson but now he speaks his mind even though it may not be the correct thing to say at the time. Willie is much more out-going and confident around Hobson when Maggie is there and he tries to help as much as he can, although all he can think of to say to Hobson is no comfort. From the stage directions, we can clearly see who is actually in charge of the household, and who is being made to appear in control. Willie sits right of table. Maggie stands at the head of the table. Hobson sits on sofa. From this stage direction, we can be given the impression that it is, in fact, Maggie in control of the household. It is custom for the head of the house to be seated or positioned at the head of the table, with guests and other along the sides. To an audience this little detail would show that Maggie is the dominant one in the household, Willie comes next in the ranking with Hobson most submissive seated away from the table. When Hobsons patience begins to wear thin with Willie, Willies reaction does not go in the same way. He keeps his temper perfectly calm and reasons with Hobson, explaining his statements. Im not much good at talking, and I always seem to say the wrong things when I do talk. Im sorry if my well-meant words dont suit your taste Willie does not become annoyed when Hobsons becomes angered; he apologises but also defends himself from Hobsons verbal attacks. He tells Hobson that he did not mean any harm by these comments, he was simply speaking his thoughts without realising they could offend anyone. His self-confidence shows through again, more so than the last argument he had with Hobson, as he does not leave to escape any more conflict. He stands his ground without using violence. After all the guests have left Maggie and Willie alone Maggie again reassures Willie that he will be better thought of than either of his new brothers-in-law and then she tells him to bring his slate from the bedroom so she can set him a sentence to copy, thus improving his writing ability gradually. Maggie sets the work and comments on the progress he is making. She tells him to take off his coat to stop it spoiling and asks to see the work he did the night before just as a teacher would set work and then mark it when completed. After setting him a sentence to copy, Maggie makes her way to her bedroom, telling Willie to finish his writing before he comes to bed. Willie finishes his writing and nervous about going into the bedroom he gets undressed and then prepares to sleep on the sofa as he feels he cannot enter the bedroom. He is confused and nervous, and he tosses and turns as he tries to fall into a sleep. Maggie comes back on stage from the bedroom dressed in a nightgown to get Willie into the bedroom. She comes to Will, shines the light on him, takes him by the ear, and returns with him to the bedroom Willie only really does as he is asked, and only if it is Maggie who asks him. He does not really make his own decisions; he relies on Maggie to do the deciding for him. His character is a lot more confident and outgoing from the Willie at the beginning of the play, although inside he is still shy and unsure, and of course obedient to Maggie. Act Four A year later, the scene opens at Hobsons living room at the back of the shop. It is early in the morning and Hobson has called the doctor to visit, as he is unwell. His excessive drinking has led to him becoming so ill, he will have to rely on one of his daughters moving back into the boot shop to care for him. Maggie arrives first and explains that she will have to ask Willies opinion and do as he commands her. Alice refuses to move back, telling her audience that she is too used to a grander life. Vickey arrives lastly and when she hears that she may be chosen to move back she whispers to Maggie, and the audience later finds out that Vickey was explaining that she is pregnant and so cannot be expected to leave her husband. Alice and Vickey scorn Maggie for her excuse, as they say that Maggie will do as she pleases and Willie could not stop her. Maggie informs them that Willie has changed a great deal since their last meeting him. This allows the audience to realise that within the year that has passed Willie has changed in the charming man that was hard to see underneath the lack of intelligence at the beginning of the play.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Conquer Your Inbound Marketing Strategy with this Process (4 Templates)

Conquer Your Inbound Marketing Strategy with this Process (4 Templates) If you’re working in digital marketing in 2019, chances are the majority of your activities revolve around inbound marketing. Many marketing teams take an ad hoc approach to inbound, with bits of PPC, content marketing, and social media sprinkled here and there. Rarely do teams have a full fledged inbound marketing strategy and process in place. Laying a good foundation and process for your inbound strategy has a couple of great benefits. Drives more leads into your marketing funnel. Better addresses target persona pain points. Ensures all team members are working toward the same goals. Aligns cross-channel messaging. Before showing you how to create a bullet-proof inbound marketing strategy and process, you’ll want to download these templates. You’ll receive a†¦ A keyword planning spreadsheet  to help drive better results for your inbound activities. A content audit guide  to help identify your content deficits. A content mapping template  to map your content to each funnel stage. A user persona worksheet  to help you target the right people. in oneplace. Save 20 hrs this week alone and every weekafter. If youve ever kicked the tires on , nows the time to see what its reallylike. Schedule Your Demo Success! Your download should start shortly. Clean up the chaos with your editorial calendar! With , youll Save time with blogging, social, and email think HOURS every week Schedule your social posts in batches and increase your posting frequency super easily Get your sht together and hold yourself accountable to publishing like the boss you are! Now’s the perfect time to start your 14-day free trial to see for yourself! Start Your Free Trial

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Managing Quality in Health and Social Care Assignment

Managing Quality in Health and Social Care - Assignment Example The study scenario proves the quality perspectives in regard of the user perspective places emphasis on the value of consultation services offered in the clinic in ensuring the proper management of cancer through screening. The clients can never approve anything concerning the quality of health care services because of the various preferences to the consultation service they have encountered or would like to have in place working for them (Mollenkopf and Alan 215). Therefore, when it is an issue regarding the quality of consultation services offered in the hospital, the patients expect fast attendance within the stipulated time so that they can leave and attend to other crucial things elsewhere. What makes and keeps one satisfied regarding the quality of service is when things move on smoothly in terms of time and space while one is seeking consultation services in the hospital. The quality concept from the institutions perspective is ensuring a system that enhances timely attendance to the patients. The model that works best in such situations is the Philip Crosby model that emphasizes on doing thing right the first time (Bryans 64). The application of a model in ensuring quality service delivery in the hospital follows that the quality concept should start with the doctors, nurses, and receptionists in this case. Therefore, they have the mandate of making strategic improvements in ensuring that the patients have timely assistance whenever they come for consultations. The receptionists for instance should ensure that the patient’s records are available all the time to avoid inconveniences. On the other hand, the doctors and the nurses should ensure they have in place the needs of their client and work fast to meet the needs. In so doing, they will reduce the cancer cases thus finding it easier to manage the consultation services (Bryans 66). The relationship between the