Sunday, December 8, 2019

Management and Organisation in Global Environment Free Samples

Question: Discuss About The Management And Organisation In Global Environment? Answer: Introducation: It was developed by Taylor and used by Ford Company to increase production of cars on daily basis (Janoski and Lepadatu 2014). Previously a car uses to take several weeks to manufacture and was only for rich people. Ford decided to make cheap cars at a fast pace and used the idea of Taylor. Previously workers use to move around to assemble a product but Taylor asked to make the products to move toward the workers (Witzel and Warner 2015). Thus assembly line was created which reduced the time of manufacture and cars were manufactured at fast pace. Working in timeframe:- If workers are not given time they will continue to do work at very slow pace. But Taylor came out of an idea of monitoring each worker in a time frame. This increased the efficiency of worker (Von Rosing et al. 2015). High pay for hard work:- As the work pressure was increasing for the workers they were in a mood to quit job. As ford was on a profit run so he increased the wages scheme of workers and announced that who all will work hard will get good pay. Workers in Australia America or Europe will not follow Taylorism in the form today because it has many disadvantages such as the worker looses creativity, teamwork is not there, boredom comes among workers, the workers are treated as money making units and Workforce flexibility is reduced. The design of scripts for use in call centre uses taylorism because the scripts are written in time frame, and it is required to change to get better each time (Sinha and Gabriel 2016). As it is made in time frame so the efficiency of workers is increased and they are able to create it in short span of time. The scientific management may be 100 year old but still it is followed today in the car making company and some of the restaurants today in the modern generation still follow them. The car making company like Maruti Suzuki and Tata motors follows the process of Taylor. I am working in a company which works in handling of script making. Here we follow some of the scientific management like we follow the time frame. We are given fixed time to prepare the script. We are fixed to a single discipline and we are needed to submit the script in time. This increases our efficiency and the also we follow high pay as per hard work also. We are paid on the amount of words we write and under a given time. So payment on hard work is also followed in our organization. Activity 1 Structure and Strategy The video for activity 1 highlights the idea that the strategy of an organisation is the behaviour of the people. This provides an opportunity for the organisation to translate their strategies into structures. However, both structure and strategy have simultaneous relationship as the structure of the organisation helps in determining the peoples associated with operation of the organisation. However, if the structure of the organisation has many layers in their operations, it is difficult to perceive the weak signals in terms of market opportunities and threats. Efficiency and equity within the organisation gives rise to bureaucracies. This provides an opportunity for the companies to come up with sound strategies and methods of implementing through the organisational structure (Bock et al. 2012). For example, Coco Cola has the objective of been the leading beverage brand thereby, providing their customers with high quality products. In order to achieve the objective, Coco Cola has specific strategies that will eventually enhance their sales by exploring the market threats and opportunities. In order to deliver the specific strategies, the organisational structure of Coco Cola needs to complement each other. Based on the business type, the structure of Coco Cola needs to emphasise more on the function, distribution, product and process. Moreover, Coco Cola promotes a flexible organisational structure thereby, encouraging teamwork (, 2017). Activity 2 Holacracy The concept of holocracy highlights the concept of the chief executive officers of the organisations providing authority and permission to the employees in order to experiment their own ideas. Several organisations are aiming towards implementing holocracy within their organisations for making all each employees participate in the decisions of the organisations. Zappos has implemented holocracy that provides an opportunity for a normal call centre employee to have additional rights such as organising social events, planning menu or CSR. The ideas of the employees cannot be nullified until it incurs loss for the company. The structure of the organisation facilitates the coordination of the employees and their ideas in bringing new change. Developments have been rapid thereby, considering the viewpoints and ideas of the employees provides a competitive advantage (Vox, 2017). For example, Paramount Software Solutions is a business organisation using the new management style of holocracy that provides an opportunity for the employees to be a part of their business management. A normal employee can have the authorities and permissions along with additional duties of the organisation. Holocracy also enables the employees to define their roles and the work they are responsible for. Due to rapid change in the past years, taking into account the ideas and innovations of their employees provides a competitive advantage for the software solution (, 2017). Conclusion The two activities in Week 4 suggests that the organisational structure and strategy are inter related and that both are significantly required for evaluating the market opportunities and threats. The structure of the organisation helps in delivering the strategies of the organisations to achieve the objectives. In activity two, the new management style holocracy is facilitated and promoted by the organisation Zappos. Zappos has fired their chief executive officer and and provided authorities and permissions to the employees. In this way, the organisation has been able to imbibe innovation in their strategy and structure. The ideas given by the employees are implemented by the organisation until they impose any harm on the organisation. The scientific management helped ford to increase production from on car in several weeks to hundreds of car production in a day in the year of 1913. The process of taylorism was found useful that time as in that time time frame work and non skilled l abors were main required for this. But in this modern words this concept is falling out and more modern version of this scientific management has been evolved and followed. References Bock, A.J., Opsahl, T., George, G. and Gann, D.M., 2012. The effects of culture and structure on strategic flexibility during business model innovation. Journal of Management Studies, 49(2), pp.279-305. (2017). Introduction - Creating an effective organisational structure - Coca-Cola Great Britain | Coca-Cola Great Britain case studies and information | Business Case Studies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2017]. Janoski, T. and Lepadatu, D., 2014. What Was the Old Division of Labor?. InDominant Divisions of Labor: Models of Production That Have Transformed the World of Work(pp. 5-14). Palgrave Macmillan US. (2017). New Test home page | Paramount Software Solutions. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2017]. Sinha, S. and Gabriel, Y., 2016. 5 Call Centre Work: Taylorism with a Facelift.Re-Tayloring Management: Scientific Management a Century On, p.87. von Rosing, M., von Scheel, H., Fonseca, M., Hove, M. and Foldager, U., 2015. Phase 1: Process Concept Evolution. Vox. (2017). Zappos just abolished bosses. Here's why.. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2017]. Witzel, M. and Warner, M., 2015. Taylorism revisited: Culture, management theory and paradigm-shift.Journal of General Managemen

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