Monday, December 16, 2019

A Day That I Can Never Forget Free Essays

Saturday, April 3, 1990, became a day that I could never forget. After a long night’s sleep, I started the day with a smile on my face. On that day, I planned to be going on a simple bike ride with a friend. We will write a custom essay sample on A Day That I Can Never Forget or any similar topic only for you Order Now First, after I awoke, I was to call my friend and plan the ride. My friend and I had planned the bike ride to a place in town that we had never seen. Quicker than ever he arrived at my house. Upon arrival, we took two Gatorades and headed off on our way. While riding we saw a bike ramp that we had never before seen. The ramp screamed out with color, and that feature made it unusual. The ramp had pictures of animals drawn on it. We then both challenged eachother to go off the ramp. Agreeing to go off the ramp at the same time, we headed for the ramp at full speed. As we gained speed, we noticed a large swirling mass of light on the ramp. Trying to stop, we were thrown from our bikes into the mass of light. Next, we awoke from our fall to notice that we warped into a weird dimension that was dominated by animals and humans were the animals’ slaves and pets. We realized that if we did not turn around and leave, we would be trapped. As we turned my friend noticed the porthole of light closing. Finally, we returned through the porthole just in time before it had closed. Just as we entered the real world I heard a loud buzzing sound. Lastly, I realized it was all just a dream, but it all felt too real to forget. How to cite A Day That I Can Never Forget, Papers

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