Tuesday, December 24, 2019

America Censored A Battle of Rights Essay - 2186 Words

America Censored: A Battle of Rights Welcome to the United States of America. This is the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. A place where our forefathers once gathered and drew up the foundation for which we live our lives. The Constitution of the United States grants us a certain amount of freedoms for which we cannot be punished for. The first amendment to this constitution of the Constitution allows us the freedom of speech, religion, the right to assemble, and to express ourselves in a way in which we feel fit. Under this amendment, people such as musicians and newsmen and able to write and speak what they feel without being told that it is wrong. They cannot be manipulated to change their thoughts or views on a topic, or†¦show more content†¦Not one thing in this world is so perfect to the point in which someone would not find something offensive about it. I mean ità ­s really bad when Wal-mart decides that Eminemà ­s cds are so controversial and vulgar that even the censored versions canà ­t be sold there. What people like Tipper Gore donà ­t seem to realize is that by banning the sale of his cds all they are doing is giving him more media attention and helping him sell more records. Ità ­s a proven fact that a personà ­s cd could be at the bottom of the charts but as soon as something is said about the content of the lyrics that the sales of the cd will automatically start to increase. Before Eminemà ­s The Marshall Mathers EP was even released it had gotten so much publicity that it went on to sell over 1.2 million copies in ità ­s first week of sale. Some people would ask, Why is that? Well ità ­s quite simple. Being the society that we are when we hear that something is horrible and shouldnà ­t be published for anyone to see or hear, we go out and buy it to see what all the fuss is about. Do these people not realize that by buying the product, even if ità ­s to protest it, they just put money in that personà ­s pocket? Now come on people. If a cd or a book sells 5 million copies, 2 million are from people who really want it and 3 million people want to protest or burn it, does that really matter? No matter how you look at it they still sold 5 million copies and is on theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Censorship of Music1406 Words   |  6 Pagesabout what they see and what they know. This is on of the great things about this country, the freedom to express yourself. It is not fair, nor is it constitutional that music should be censored in anyway. It is not only rap music trying to be censored it is in all types of music. They are taking away their rights and it isnt fair. As reported in the New York Times. 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