Thursday, November 21, 2019

Toyota Production System Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Toyota Production System - Article Example In a company that produces iron sheets, just in time can be applied by placing orders for raw material such that the materials ordered for arrive at the company in the right quantity just when it is needed and without any delays. Muda refers to waste or anything that adds no value to the system. Muda exists in the form of motion, correction, processing, waiting time, conveyance, overproduction, and inventory. In a company that manufactures iron sheet, one example of muda is raw material that has been established to be substandard in quality and therefore needs to be reworked. Yokoten implies horizontal deployment; good practices and results in one area or organization are copied or applied to other areas or organizations. One franchise of Coca Cola company can decide to send a team of its employees to a more efficient franchise in a different country so that the team observes and learns how things are done to ensure high efficiency and productivity. The team will learn and implement what they have learnt doing what they can to improve on the ideas in their organization. Pokayoke involves the use of fool proof devices during production. Through the use of fool proof devices, the production of defective parts that result from human error is minimized or altogether eliminated. In a manufacturing plant, the buttons in the control panel of a machine can be color coded and associated with drawings that show what the buttons make the machines do. This way, even an untrained operator has less chances of pressing the wrong button that may lead to the production of faulty parts. Hoshin involves capturing and cementing strategic goals as developed by executive managers so that they are realized eventually. The organization’s level of performances is set to improve with the passage of time as the strategic goals are realized. In a soda manufacturing company, top management may develop strategic goals relating to the production of a given quantity of soda crates.

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