Monday, May 18, 2020

Solution for Terrorism - 1480 Words

Larry Lease 02/23/2011 Comp II Problem Solution Essay The Solution for Terrorism Terrorism, which has been around for as long as people can remember has been on the rise for the past ten years. Terrorists use bombings, kidnappings, hijackings, murders as a way to achieve a political goal such as the release of so called â€Å"political prisoners†. These radicals do not just target the United States, but they focus on all parts of the world, in every way, shape and form. There are many different types of terrorism, for many different purposes. The primary reason for terrorist attacks is to force a change in their nation’s government or the country’s government they are attacking. If terrorists are not satisfied with their government’s†¦show more content†¦This easy for them, because unlike carry-on luggage, this luggage is not x-rayed for contraband. Some of these bombs work off of a time and ignite the bomb to blow up at a predetermined time. Another type works off of the altitude of the plane. Once the plane reaches t he set altitude , the bomb will explode. I suggest that the actual luggage should be scanned for explosive residue before being packed into the belly of the plane. It should also go through a metal detector being scanned by trained eyes. This would help prevent any bombs from being loaded onto the plane. Another type of plane bombing is called the â€Å"Suicide Bomber†, this is a terrorist who straps the bomb to his body, making it harder to stop them from boarding the plane, because you can’t see it by the human eye. Unfortunately, metal detectors don’t pick up plastic explosives that a terrorist could carry on board. A solution for this would be to have a bomb sniffing dog at every metal detector, which stop the bombs before they reach the plane. Of course, there will always be terrorists who would like nothing more than to see governments fall. And you will always have radicals who will want to take out their anger towards a particular race, religion, o r nationality. One of the best ways to stop terrorism is, of course by monitoring these groups closely for signs of illegal activity. First of all, the United States of America should form coalition groups with allShow MoreRelatedEssay on Solutions for Terrorism976 Words   |  4 PagesTerrorism is a controversial issue which spans the globe, Terrorism is defined as using force to influence or change a political decision. This is a relevant definition which can easily be related to in this day and age. There are many ideas about how to deal with this menacing threat one being a diplomatic solution some believe that the United Nations (UN) should step in and resolve it peacefully. Others oppose this idea and believe that the only solution is violence. 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