Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Catholic Social Thoughts

Question: Discuss about theCatholic Social Thoughts. Answer: Introduction Catholic Social Thoughts (CST) refers to the set of moral principles, which has been formulated in the past century by the Catholics. It shows that God has created a kingdom with love, peace and justice. According to the principles of CST, people should understand their responsibilities towards the community (Massaro, 2015). Human responsibilities are not limited to the spiritual activities. The concept of CST is continuously evolving according to the changing social issues. Furthermore, it teaches how an individual can improve their moral values in order to contribute to the society. Principles of Catholic Social Thoughts Following are the principles of Catholic Social Teaching: Human Equality: Equal opportunity is the birth right of every individual. People should not discriminate others based on financial stability, culture or inabilities. It shows that God has planned the difference in terms of human abilities (Thompson, 2015). Therefore, everyone should give respect to people despite cultural and religious differences. As human beings are the best creation of God, people should understand the importance of the gift that God has given. Human Dignity: As human being is the creation of God, they should have self-dignity. It helps human beings to take moral decisions (Clark, 2015). Self-respect is another element of this principle through which humans should gain privilege in terms of political, communal, official and financial background. Relationship: Human beings should maintain relationships with the social community, as they are not just holy, also communal. I In order to be a part of the society, human beings should not act as self- centered indivi d- centred individuals ct as society, ime usage of the wordduals (Miller, 2015). Instead, people should communicate with the social communities and contribute to the community as well. Esteem for human existence: Human beings have different phases throughout their life and in every phase, individuals have an inborn pride of existence. In each phase, an individual contributes to the social community and therefore, safeguarding the pride of human being is important as per the Catholic Social Thoughts (Tablan, 2015). Humans are the species creations of God and therefore, taking pride in their existence allows people to find a reason for their existence. Common Welfare: Human beings should consider others welfare before fulfilling their own desire. Common welfare helps people to contribute to the social community (Tablan, 2015). It is the duty of every individual through which human beings should ensure a healthy social practice. The practice of common welfare is also known as common wellbeing (Mel Schlag, 2015). It teaches that people should consider others wellbeing in order to contribute to the society. Involvement: Human beings are responsible to protect and safeguarded the deprived and defenseless people (Sniegocki, 2015). It shows how people are involved with the social surroundings. Every individual is responsible to help others who are deprived from facilities. Unity: Unity is another principle of Catholic Social Thoughts, which indicates that people should maintain sufficient unity in order to overcome social constraints and stigma. People should not worry about their personal existence (Mel Schlag, 2015). Instead, we should understand the importance of how we can overcome resistance as a single unit. Safeguarding: Human beings should be concerned about the gifts that God has given (Clark, 2015). People should take care of what they have, because all we have is gift of God. This principal shows the importance of safeguarding own wealth. Interrelationship Between Self and Community Proper understanding and evaluation of the human individual is the basis for catholic social belief. Humans are the best creations and a reflection of the image of God. According to catholic belief, humans are descendents of God by Social Rights, it means that it is the birth right of humans to be protected from exploitation and other maltreatments. Their interest should be safeguarded and promoted (Tablan, 2015). The church has been actively involved in protecting and safeguarding Social rights of all innocent individuals. God created man as a sociable creature. Thus, human beings are always a part and co-exist with the social community. Therefore, humans have to make sure that they live with a common goal and not only promote their interest, but the interests of social community as well (Mel Schlag, 2015). This involves looking after the welfare and the growth of the social community. Humans are supposed to co-exist with each other and this would demand every individual to take care of their own interests and the interests of the society as a whole. Attention and consideration has to be made to make sure that the interest of one does not contravene or have an adverse impact on the society (Sniegocki, 2015). Conscious efforts have to be taken to make sure that there are radical changes that bring about an upliftment of the society. There is a strong relationship between an individual and the social community and the action of an individual has a direct bearing of the social community (Miller, 2015). According to the catholic belief, there has been a strong relationship between an individual and the social community and both have shared a mutual past and have continued to co-exist peacefully (Massaro, 2015). As each human being is a descendent of God and thus, communal harmony, unity, love and peace are the binding force for an individual and the community. Christians are obligated to look after the society and treat them in the best possible way. The gospel of God thrust major implication on acts of justice, fairness, and compassion that an individual is bound to do (Miller, 2015). According to catholic beliefs, the means to attain divinity is by looking after the people around you. Conclusion While concluding, it can be said that Catholic Social Thoughts (CST) shows how an individual should contribute to the society. Apart from that, the principal of CST indicates that every individual has a responsibility to look after the people around the society in order to feel pride. When it comes to the interrelationship between self and community, CST says that human lives are a gift of God. Therefore, safeguarding own and others wellbeing becomes a major responsibility of human beings. Reference Beyer, G. J. (2015). The Meaning of Solidarity in Catholic Social Teaching.political theology Clark, M., (2015). 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