Monday, February 17, 2020

Egalite for all toussaint louverture and the haitian revolution Movie Review

Egalite for all toussaint louverture and the haitian revolution summary - Movie Review Example The movie describes the role of different leaders and men who fought in the period of 13 years to gain independence and among them the great Toussaint Louverture who led from the front this revolt and brought independence to his country and people. The portrayal of the struggles of the Africans under the rule of French and Spanish as well as the Americans cannot get any better than this. Also, the facts from history are portrayed and described with precision in the movie which shows the hardwork of the movie makers and their struggle to collect specific information and data about the Haitian revolution. Saint Domingue was the French colony this revolt started from and spread across the many colonies. It was not until 1804 that the Haitians gained independence and changed the course of history. All these facts and stories are explained very precisely and beautifully in the movie. It is a documentary for history lovers. Those who have a slightest of interest in history or need to study Haitian revolution, this is a must watch since it takes us back to the time when all of this was happening and one feels like a part of

Monday, February 3, 2020

If Netflix has brought a golden age of television in America, can its Essay

If Netflix has brought a golden age of television in America, can its expansion into Europe and other markets bring a golden age for international television dramas too - Essay Example In terms of the information represented within The Atlantic, it is clear and apparent that Hollywood has effectively been able to adapt to an international scope for its films. The article also indicates that he has not been so fast. It is at this juncture that Netflix wishes to fill the void and provide original programming from a litany of different foreign nations around the globe (Thompson, 2013). However, there is hope for a high level of profitability in this sector; as the article from Slate underscores. Likewise, a hidden and somewhat unforeseen problem that Netflix faces within Europe is the fact that it must engaged with a multi-lingual region and offer a litany of different subscriber content within national borders that ascribes to the given linguistic nature of the region. Whereas the success of Netflix in the US and in Latin America is part and parcel due to the fact that these regions are defined by only two languages, the challenges faced within Europe are more comple x. Although this article is useful in representing the range and extent to which Netflix can hope to penetrate new markets, it is also limited in that it does not fully consider unique dynamics of how foreign markets could present unique challenges to the business model that Netflix has been able to exhibit to such a great deal of success so far. According to the Slate piece, entitled, â€Å"The International Language of Tube†, service providers such as Netflix are open to capitalize on a market shift that is coming to be exhibited; one in which the consumer’s frustration with traditional television corresponds to the increased demands for the shows and entertainment that this traditional technology provides (Thomas, 2014). Moreover, the article cautions that traditional TV should be highly wary of the potential for firms such as Netflix to dominate the market; due